Friday, December 19, 2008

Apple Study in Watercolor Continued

The technique used for the top of the flower pot is again used in the bottom of the flower pot. I have dropped VanDyke Brown into the very wet wash again to create shadow areas. This technique also helps to create the organic-look of water stains. On the left center of the pot I added a little water back into the damp wash to create a "bloom".
I think one of the toughest things for people who are just learning watercolor is to use enough water. There is a reason why it is called WATERcolor. The primary ingredient in your application will be water. Of course, you will add various amounts of pigment to the water, but the most important element is water. Sometimes you will apply very wet paint to dry paper, and sometimes you will wet the paper first, then add some less wet pigment - but water is what keeps your washes smooth, controls texture (or lack of texture) and controls the value of the color on your paper. Paint that is applied too dry will lose it's vibrancy and freshness. It will look dull and dead. So, remember - water, water, and more water.
An excellent book on this topic is: Mastering Atmosphere & Mood in Watercolor, by Joseph Zbukvic, available through Northlight books. Beautiful artwork and a very clear description of how to use different water to pigment ratios.

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